Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Monday, October 24, 2011

Gym Workout Book Reviews

Hi All,

Lately, we've received some great messages of support, success, and appreciation, which is lovely to hear and spurs me on to write further free content for the Gym Professor site, produce more workout books and create interesting things like our free gym workout app (due early New Year). 

I thought I'd take this moment to share some recent Gym Workouts Maps to Success book reviews from Amazon with you ...

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Workout-Great Results!, October 23, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This is a clear and complete guide for all levels of training. I am new to the gym and I found it to be very informative. I love the combined Cardio and Weight circuit since I have limited time at the gym. I have lost 20 pounds and I'm much more toned. My son, who is an athlete and knows his way around a gym, found the guide to benefit him as well. I would certainly recommend this book regardless of level or type of training. Thanks Gym Professor!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Workout Guide!, August 17, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
There is plenty of information in here for anyone at any level of training. The process maps are easy to use and direct you to the most appropriate training plans, whatever your goals maybe.
There are hundreds of workouts in the book, providing plenty of variation,they are easy to navigate and simple to understand.

If you are looking for some inspiration to create a training plan, then look no further. Great book!

5.0 out of 5 stars Missy, June 27, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Enjoying the toning workouts and lovin' my new figure. 5 star book!

This book is so easy to follow and written for all different levels, this is a great buy.

5.0 out of 5 stars Gym Workouts maps to success, June 26, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
A well written book, but most importantly, the plans are superb providing a lifetime of training workouts whatever your goal. Very Happy Customer!

5.0 out of 5 stars Super Workout Book!, June 14, 2011

This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
The featured articles are informative and brief, which helped to answer all the general questions I had quickly. Working in an office, I am all too familiar with process maps. Process maps are used to great effect here, as you simply choose which path to follow for your goals and pick your workouts from those that correspond. Most importantly, I have enjoyed the workouts provided, my strength has increased, and friends have commented on my gains. This is by far the best weight training book I have ever purchased and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in training!

Thank you all for your continued support!

If you have purchased our workout book (either eBook or Paperback) and wish to add your review (if you haven't already), please contact me.

Thanks again,


Free Gym Workout App coming soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gym Workout Rules-of-Thumb

Hi all,

Regarding different gym workout routines and workout methods, I've just been asked in the gym whether there are gym workout routine factors that should be considered. Check out this article:

Healthy regards,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts - Maps to Success
Home of Free Fitness Workouts
Home of Free Gym Workouts

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gym Workout Shuffle App

Gym Workout App
Hi all, 

We’re in the process of creating an awesome Gym Workout App that’ll present you with workouts for your chosen endeavor and ability, plus shuffle options (for both gym exercises & gym workout). It’ll be easy-to-follow and quick to use, allowing 1000's of gym workout options and hundreds of exercise diagrams. I believe you’ll find this app fun and of great help! Although I’m paying for the set-up, I need to try and generate some revenue return (so I can offer more cool stuff in the future!) and want to run past you guys what you feel is best...
  1. A free “lite” version with an advert. Nominal fee for full version (say $1.99).
  2. A free “lite” version (no adverts). Nominal fee for full version.
  3. A free trial “lite” version (no adverts). Nominal fee for full version.
  4. Free full version with adverts. Option to pay a nominal fee for no adverts.

Please reply to me by email, or, better-still if you're a Fan on Facebook, please add your opinion to our poll. Visit: Gym Professor Fan Page

Thank you so much for your feedback - it's APPreciated (that's a terrible pun)!

All the best,

Home of Free Fitness Workouts
Home of Free Gym Workouts

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Training Drug Free

Just taken on my Phone.
I cannot rave about weight training (& sport in general) enough. Anyone reading this, I hope has found that sport has enriched their lives to – whether making them healthier, creating structure, making friends, finding success etc. Unfortunately, I sometimes encounter the opposite (I’ve seen it a couple of times this week alone) and it’s largely due to the misuse of drugs in sport, therefore, I thought I’d share the following with you... 

Aside from a tiny white-lie (so as not to hurt someone), I’m always honest, but, writing under an alias (Gym Professor) gives me the opportunity to be truthful and it not be questioned, which I like :). Most around me know that I’m a true drug free athlete, but my status is called in to question time-and-time again by many. Although a little frustrating, I kind of take this as a compliment (you have to!).

Although I write about (or train) people seeking seeking differing physique or sporting endeavors, my own chosen sport is bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is perhaps the most obscure choice of sport to participate in free from drugs. This strange choice would lead you to think I'm bitter towards those that aren't "natural", but you'd be completely wrong. Provided someone’s open about the use of it within their sport and doesn’t impress their view on others forcibly, I’m relatively okay with this. 

My general reading is typically about the use of drugs within sport (in particular bodybuilding) - it's fascinating! However, what is astonishing is how little the majority of users & dealers know - it's embarrassing! More a case of "I got big using this, so you should use it", "He got massive taking that, I'm going on that". Having spent all of my life in this environment, although I’ve known very many people have good short-term gains, their longevity in the sport (I’m even thinking of national champs here to!) has not been that of the natural weight trainers I’ve known. Indeed, it’s the drug free athletes (making up the minority) that still enjoy their weight training and a stable home life today (& a better physique!). Another annoyance is that it's normally the entirely wrong people using performance and/ or physique enhancing drugs; moreover it's to compensate for serious failings with their training & diet. Please do yourself a favor and purchase sensible reference guides (like Gym Workouts – Maps to Success) to avoid these failings and make gains that are sustainable. Thereafter, the choice is yours - I'm just giving you my personal view point.

I hope you’ve found this information of interest. You may also wish to check out our article ‘Basics about Steroids’.

All the best,


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Truth About Fat Burners

Hi all,

I've just been asked about fat burners, so I thought I'd re-post this previous article:

Healthy regards,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts - Maps to Success
Home of Free Gym Workouts

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gym Clothing & Apparel

Hi all,

As mentioned previously, we've been asked for a while to provide Gym Professor training vests, t-shirts, hats, hoodies etc. All of which, we've been very keen to offer, as it's great for you guys to want to be promoting the Gym Professor free on-line resource and also gives you a chance to show off your physique at the same time ;). Now that we've just got the great new logo sorted, I thought it's about time we made some quality official merchandise available.

A major concern was being able to offer high-quality products and fulfilling merchandise requests from our global readership, subsequently, after recommendation and some product testing, we've decided to partner a company called Zazzle as the provider of our official merchandise. Zazzle now offer a range of high-quality 'Gym Professor' logo products (remember, we've tested them!) at reasonable prices. Better-still, they are able to quickly supply these products in the following countries: US, UK, Canada, Australia, & more to come. 

The gym wear and gym apparel will officially go on sale on the Gym Professor website at the end of the month, but, if you'd like to order early (& be amongst the first to wear one!), please visit the link below to enter the US store (or click on your country above). US readers (only), please order today (10/10/2011) and use voucher code 1492COLUMBUS for 14.92% off at checkout. 

Thank you for your continued support & happy training (in your new comfy gym tee or hoody!),

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts - Maps to Success
Home of Free Gym Workouts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Gym Professor Logo/s


Last month, within my 'Projects in the Pipeline' Newsletter, I mentioned that I'd received numerous merchandise requests from readers for gym clothing and general apparel branded with ‘Gym Professor’. A request I was very eager to oblige.

Since the site’s infancy though, we’ve used a generic Ariel typeface as a logo, which has been copied elsewhere, therefore, before we put our name to such gym apparel, I wanted to create a logo and branding a little more unique. This way, I help to create an identity for our resource and you get to wear some awesome looking clothing down the gym :D. Well, you can’t get any more unique than this, as I’m the silhouette (LOL).

I hope you like what we’ve come up with! Please feel free to reply with your comments by email, or post a comment on our Facebook Fan Page. You’ll also find our great looking female friendly versions amongst our logo photo album on the Fan Page. 

I hope to see you sporting the Gym Professor Logo down your gym soon. As soon as we have our clothing branded, I’ll be sending out another newsletter advising the availability.
All the best,

Author of the #1 Bestseller Gym Workouts – Maps to Success

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Free $5 Voucher against new book

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce that Home Gym Workouts: Gym Ball & Dumbbell Workouts for Women has just been published in paperback :)

The reference manual features 12 progressive workouts and over 100 exercise illustrations.

Here is your free $5 voucher code (TZ3KMGA2)* redeemable against the new book. Enter the code at the Check Out.
Buy Now
Thank you all for your support. 

If you haven't already bought our bestseller (Gym Workouts Maps to Success). Here is a $5 voucher (TE5HX4NS)* for this book to.
Buy Now

I'll be back with another newsletter again soon. 

I hope you enjoy the books! Happy training!

*Note: Voucher codes are for direct purchase only and are valid for 2 days (expires 10/3/2011).