Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Exercise Diagrams

Hi all,

Seeing as I've had five minutes spare for the first time in ages, I thought it wise to create some new pages (or rather, fill in the blanks). Today I've been adding exercises to the exercise diagram register. In time I will make video's (& upload them to Youtube) to help better demonstrate the exercises, plus hopefully drive some more traffic the way of

Also, thankyou to all those that have been signing up to the FREE (no spam) Newsletter - we've been receiving a few requests every day. My main aim is to populate the site a bit more first, then there'll be lots more free info. your way in the form of the newsletter - I've already got several dozen interesting subjects earmarked! One thing though, the sheer number of people we've had sign up, means that I may have to create an automated e-mail sign up. Anyway, I'll advise on this issue nearer the time.

Best regards,