Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gym Workouts & Stretching

Personally, when weight training, I advocate related static stretching immediately following an exercise (i.e. during rest between sets), such as a Latissimus Dorsi stretch following lat pulldowns.

If performed correctly, the exercise undertaken should allow for near full stretch and contraction of the muscle/s. Following warm-up sets and working sets, your muscles are at their hottest and, therefore, can be elongated (stretched) to a greater degree.

Stretching between and after sets of an exercise should prove advantages to establish a sensible rest period (not too long & not too short) and, more importantly, help avoid stiffness and re-establish a normal (or greater) range-of-movement. With this in mind, they should also be included as part of your eventual cool-down.

This article is an extract from the best-selling Gym Professor book Gym Workouts - Maps to Success.

All the best,
Gym Prof.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Warming up Before a Gym Workout

Warming-up is a sequence of exercise that precedes your gym workout.

If you are performing a sport or workout that is aerobic, your warm-up should prepare your cardiovascular system for the rigours of this workout or event. The warm-up should be designed to raise the body’s core temperature and be performed at a low intensity – it is not a workout in itself!

Likewise, when lifting weights, your warm-up should be relevant. You should perform warm-up sets of any exercise you are to perform. Typically, I would suggest 2 to 4 warm-up sets (starting with a very light weight) of each exercise before undertaking working sets of that same exercise. Warm-up sets will serve to locally heat the muscles in use and help to lubricate relevant joints in readiness.

For a gym workout that relates to both disciplines, such as an endurance gym workout routine with weights, I would be inclined to suggest an aerobic warm-up followed by warm-up sets, although you may warrant less warm-ups sets.

As per most subjects, warming-up is open to debate on which methods are best. As always, I would suggest adapting things to the individual and their endeavour. It should be remembered that the purpose of warming-up is to help improve performance and avoid injury.

This page is an extract from the Gym Professor book Gym Workouts - Maps to Success.

Happy training!

Gym Prof.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big Weekend of Sport

With Super Bowl XLV and the Rugby 6 Nations taking place this weekend, strength trainers are sure to be hitting the gym hard next week. Check out these sport-specific gym workouts:
Rugby - Advanced Power Training Gym Workout

For the rest of you, here's a little lighter reading:
Nutrient Analysis - Water

Enjoy your weekend!

Gym Prof.
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