Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sport-Specific Gym Workout Routines

 Hey all,

Thanks to all those that have downloaded GP Shuffle so far and sent me your great feedback, which include things like "sweet app", "just had a great workout man!", "works a dream". We've just had this one on Facebook "Absolutely amazing app!". Thanks again folks.

If you haven't downloaded it, please do so - you'll love it! :). You can find more information and download link here:
Or, simply search 'GP Shuflle' on the App Store.

For those of you without an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, we hope to have an Android version ready soon (for use with other smart cell phones). 

If you haven't got any of the above, make use of our free gym workouts and exercise demonstrations on-line by clicking the links below:

Writing about free gym workouts, here's some sports-specific workouts to get your training mitts into...

Sport-Specific Sample Gym Workout Routines:

All the best,


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GP Shuffle - Available for Download now!

Hi all,

Great news, the day has arrived. We are very proud to announce the release of the ultimate workout gadget, GP Shuffle.

GP Shuffle

Personal Trainer in your pocket and then some
Achieve your physique goals. With 130 preloaded endeavor-specific workouts and over 300 step-by-step exercises ALL with shuffle capability, allowing millions of workout options, Gym Professor Shuffle is the most comprehensive workout tool ever. Visit:

To download your free copy, simply visit either of the links below...

Or, simply search 'GP Shuffle' on the App Store.

Please share this gift by forwarding this message to your friends and family.

Enjoy your next workout ;)

All the best,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Inventor of GP Shuffle 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

GP Shuffle to Launch Tomorrow


Just a quick message to let you know that GP Shuffle (our free gym workout app) will be launching tomorrow (1/25/12). I'll send a newsletter to announce the launch. We'll also make the announcement on Facebook and Twitter. As well as downloading it yourself, please be sure to forward the announcement to friends and family in order they can reap the benefits of training the GP way with the most comprehensive workout tool available!

The feedback of our test app versions has been phenomenal thus far, so really looking forward to more training reports and feedback from you all.

All the best,

Inventor of Gym Professor Shuffle - launching January 25th 2012!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Choosing Dumbbells for your Home Gym Workouts

As myself (GP) and contributing Fellows to the Gym Professor web site work in one form or another in the sporting world, we're rather spoilt when it comes to choosing supplements and gym equipment, as we have free-trial and pick of pretty much everything on the market. Therefore, when it came to selecting home-use dumbbells to feature in our book - Home Gym: Gym Ball & Dumbbell Workouts for Women - the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells, with adjustment from 5lb to 52lb per dumbbell, were an easy and unanimous choice.

Dial-up/ selectable adjustable dumbbells, like the Bowflex 552 Dumbbells, have an obvious quick-change advantage over a dumbbell bar (that you load with plates) and take up less space than a fixed set of dumbbells. Price-wise they fall between the two. Unlike the advertising material associated with this type of interchangeable dumbbell, I'm not going to blurt on further about the benefits of choosing an adjustable dumbbell for home gym training, as the advantages are clear, instead, I'll discuss why I personally rate the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells as being the sensible choice.

There's now many brands offering an adjustable dumbbell of this ilk, examples include PowerBlock, TurboBell, Gold's Gym Transformer, York Fitness Dial Tech. All of the aforementioned have a sales tag-line of some kind or another for you to buy their product over their competitors. PowerBlock's marketers often use "original", "ergonomically designed" and "best" amongst their sales pitch, whereas Gold's Gym can promote their product as being cheaper than their rivals. Having used them all, I can categorically say without biased that the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells offering is the best - yes, the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells gets the Gym Professor 5 star rating! The reason, it's quicker to use/ adjust than the "original" and "best" options and the adjustment is not prone to "stick", as I've experienced on the cheaper copies. The Bowflex SelectTech 552's are also comfortable in the palm and are not too cumbersome in size for use during a gym workout. Also of note, they offer the best incremental range of those available and appear to age better (show less signs of wear), compared to cheaper alternatives.

You may have noticed that Bowflex offer a larger adjustable dumbbell - the SelectTech 1090's (10lb to 90lb adjustment per dumbbell). Although they've existed for a few years now, the 1090 dumbbells were in production for a couple of years prior, most likely the concern over the size a major contributing issue. The Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Dumbbells are a success for the heavier home lifter, benefiting from the build quality and comfort of the smaller 552 dumbbells, however, the 1090 dumbbells are not a dumbbell set for couples. Most women will find the shaft (just shy of 18" long) a bit awkward for some gym exercises, plus the smaller increment settings of the 552 dumbbells are one of the reasons they're favored over other adjustable dumbbells. If you're a heavier home lifter and you can afford it, you'd love having the two pairs (552's and 1090's). If it's an "either/ or" choice you're making, I'd choose the smaller 552's in preference and incorporate more barbell work for your heavier exercises/ lifts, if required.

The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells are featured in the book Home Gym: Gym Ball & Dumbbell Workouts for Women
, which features 15 gym workout routines and over 100 color exercise illustrations. So, for comprehensive gym workouts at home, you should consider the purchase of the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells and the aforementioned book. Remember, for gym workouts (in a commercial gym), please refer to the free gym workout routines featured on the Gym Professor database and consider the purchase of our acclaimed Gym Workouts: Maps to Success book.

We have dozens and dozens of more free articles/ newsletters in the coming weeks, including more free gym workouts
, gym advice, cardio workouts, reviews, diet tips etc., so please look-out for your latest newsletter & consider becoming a fan on Facebook and following our Tweets on Twitter.

Become a Fan on Facebook

All the best,

Cheap Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exercise Demonstration Updates


By way of update, we’ve just uploaded animated exercise demonstration photos to the following sections...

Be sure to check them out for some new training ideas! 

All the best,

Inventor of Gym Professor Shuffle workout app

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Choosing a Gym Ball

For all-intents-and-purposes a Gym Ball (often referred to as a Swiss Ball or Exercise Ball) is a wobbly bench.

The gym ball’s instability and, therefore, your greater reliance on your primary stabilizing muscles (abs and lower back, commonly referred to as “core”) have seen an incredible rise in its popularity to improve your “core” muscles/ strength.

Realistically, your “core” muscles are at work during all motions/ exercises and are placed at most stress/ work during major compound exercises, such as Deadlifts, Squats etc. With this in mind, performing “advanced” exercises like those stated will have a greater overall benefit to help improve “core” strength, provided you have no prior contraindication (i.e. existing injury). However, a Gym Ball is a comfortable and affordable choice for training at home, as well as being the most popular option, hence its inclusion in our sample gym workout routines.

If you’re buying a Gym Ball, please buy one of commercial-grade. The difference in price between a cheap home-use ball and a commercial-quality ball is fairly insignificant, as you can get a good-quality commercial ball for $20 to $30. For use though, the difference is significant – the commercial anti-burst balls being far less pliable. 

Please also make note of the sizing suggestions below:
55cm Ball. To suit: those under 5'6
65cm Ball. To suit: those under 5'6 - 5'10
75cm Ball. To suit: those over 5'10

This article is an extract from the Gym Professor publication Home Gym Workouts: Gym Ball & Dumbbell Workouts for Women

All the best,


Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Exercise Demonstrations for Thighs/ Quadriceps

Hi all,

As mentioned previously, we're presently uploading new exercise demonstrations to . Should you require reassurance of how to perform an exercise correctly, or give you some new training ideas, then these should help greatly. Today, we've just completed the animated photos for our quadriceps (thighs) section. For the full round-up, please visit the quadriceps page below:

Here are some of our favorites:
Leg Blaster SquatsSeated Leg Extensions

Remember, include these exercises within a balanced & appropriate gym workout routine. For ideas on structuring your gym workouts, visit our sample gym workout database here:  
All the best,

Author of the acclaimed Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Inventor of Gym Professor Shuffle - the most advanced gym workout app.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gym Workout Cool Down

A cool-down should help your body adjust from exercise to rest. Your application of a cool-down will depend somewhat on the type of exercise you’ve undertaken. 

Some weight training workouts will follow a natural cool-down of sorts, as intensity may lesson depending upon the final exercise/s of your workout.

In circumstances where your cardiovascular system has been placed under a greater workload, a cool-down can serve to lower your pulse rate and return blood to your heart, aiding in the dissipation of waste products, such as Lactic Acid.

This page is an extract from the bestselling book Gym Workouts - Maps to Success.

Best regards,

Free Gym Workout App (Gym Professor Shuffle) - coming very,very soon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Training Memories/ History Part 2

Hi all,

Yesterday, I was handed some bodybuilding magazines dating back to the 40’s and 50’s from an old friend (a weight trainer who’s now in his 70’s!). I’ve only skim read them, but it’s great to see physiques slightly reminiscent of the “natural” scene today (I may be being a little kind). It’s also great that 'bodybuilding' is referred to by its more traditional name of ‘physical culture’, which sounds so, so much better. Anyway, there are some great workouts, stories and articles in there from some of the historical greats of weight training and physical culture. On occasion, I’ll pick through some of the better bits and post them to our newsletter. Here’s a good one for you, a shoulder workout by 1950 ‘Mr Belgium’ (note: and a 'Veterans' class winner in the 80's!) Georges Dardene...

Click to enlarge.
All of these exercises, excluding Around-the-Worlds/ Stiff-Arm Circles (I'm not too keen on this exercise!), can be found amongst my shoulder exercises demonstrations at the link below:

All the best,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Truth About Fat Burners

Having assisted many fitness models and bodybuilders with their physiques, and maintaining a low body fat year round for my own sport, I am quizzed on a daily basis regarding diet and exercise. One recurring subject is fat burners.

Fat burners....hhhhhmm....where to start with this subject. First off, if you’ve come across this article, the likelihood is that you have (or are) considering using a fat burner of some sort. Unfortunately though, the associated marketing blurb and hype can make the subject of fat burning supplements somewhat exaggerated and at best deliberately misleading. Because of this, I may be annoying throughout the remainder of the article body and enclose the term “fat burner” in inverted commas each time.

Due to misleading advertising, I am often asked for, or about, fat burners that “melt away fat”, “stop fat building up”, “strongest at burning fat” etc. You get the idea!

The majority of “fat burners” offer a supplement stack of ingredients – appetite suppressants, thermogens, fat binders, fat blockers and carb blockers. “Fat burners” are described as something that will either burn more fat when introduced, or inhibit (stop or reduce) fat from being created.

Well, is any of this true? Sort of, but it is, again, misleading at best. First, we should consider that fat is stored energy. The only way to utilize stored energy is to cause an energy (calorie) deficit i.e. burn more energy than we consume / consume less energy than we burn. In short, doing what we should be doing – eating less and being more active. To this end, the appetite suppressing qualities of a “fat burner” will aid us to eat less, whilst a stimulant ingredient should give a “buzz” to be more active. So, far removed from “melt away fat”. Often, “fat burners” are referred to by people as being “stronger” if the stimulant hit is greater, thereby often increasing their activity levels further.

With the above in mind, the following statement is also given in relation to thermogenic aids/ metabolic optimizers.... 

“Fat burners increase your metabolism thus converting the stored body fat into energy that will be used by your body”

Again, this is slightly misleading. A stimulant will increase metabolic rate for a duration, however, the change is fairly insignificant to consuming food more often and exercise on metabolic rate. Note: We’ll cover “optimal eating” and types of exercise on our metabolism (body functions) amongst other training articles. 

In my view, "fat burners" are best used once you reach a plateaux during weight loss - when you just need a little extra push in the right direction in order to eat a bit less or train a little bit harder. A stimulant product (like the many you’ll see advertised) can help to achieve this. To this end, the more popular products tend to be those with a higher stimulant dose. However, a stronger supplement doesn't necessary mean better, as you may find that a weaker dose supplement proves more advantageous (i.e. achieving enough of a "buzz" without any adverse side effects).

As with your eating and exercise regime, you should consider what is realistically sustainable. I am only able to keep to a low body fat percentage by being consistent with my eating and exercise habits. A “fat burner” should never be considered as a long-term solution, it’s not! It may present a short-term aid though to help improve your eating and exercise habits.

I hope you have found this article useful. 

All the best,

Free Gym Workout App (Gym Professor Shuffle) coming very, very soon!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gym Workouts & Stretching

Personally, when weight training, I advocate related static stretching immediately following an exercise (i.e. during rest between sets), such as a Latissimus Dorsi stretch following lat pulldowns

If performed correctly, the exercise undertaken should allow for near full stretch and contraction of the muscle/s. Following warm-up sets and working sets, your muscles are at their hottest and, therefore, can be elongated (stretched) to a greater degree. 

Stretching between and after sets of an exercise should prove advantages to help avoid stiffness and re-establish a normal (or greater) range-of-movement. With this in mind, they should also be included as part of your eventual cool-down.

This page is an extract from the bestselling book Gym Workouts - Maps to Success.

All the best,


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Shoulder Exercises - Exercise Demonstrations Added

Shot from Gym Professor Shuffle
Hi all,

I've got my motivational head on today! If you're suffering from the January blues, snap out of it! This year could be great - make it so! If you haven't got your training head in to gear yet, do so! To get started, check out our free gym workouts here:

We've been busy bees uploading exercise demonstration photos to our Shoulder Exercises database today. Attached are some of our favorites (see below). For the full round-up, visit:

All the best,

Free Gym Workout App (Gym Professor Shuffle) - DUE END OF JAN!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Warming Up

Warming-up is a sequence of exercise that precedes your gym workout.

If you are performing a sport or workout that is aerobic, your warm-up should prepare your cardiovascular system for the rigors of this workout or event. The warm-up should be designed to raise the body’s core temperature and be performed at a low intensity – it is not a workout in itself! 

Likewise, when lifting weights, your warm-up should be relevant. You should perform warm-up sets of any exercise you are to perform. Typically, I would suggest 2 to 4 warm-up sets (starting with a very light weight) of each exercise before undertaking working sets of that same exercise. Warm-up sets will serve to locally heat the muscles in use and help to lubricate relevant joints in readiness.

For a gym workout that relates to both disciplines, such as an endurance gym workout routine with weights, I would be inclined to suggest an aerobic warm-up followed by warm-up sets, although you may warrant less warm-ups sets. 

As per most subjects, warming-up is open to debate on which methods are best. As always, I would suggest adapting things to the individual and their endeavor. It should be remembered that the purpose of warming-up is to help improve performance and avoid injury.

This page is an extract from the acclaimed book Gym Workouts - Maps to Success.

Happy injury free training ;). All the best,
Free Gym Workout App - coming soon!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Training Memories

My first pair of dumbbells :)
Hi all,

Visiting my Mum and Dad this week and searching through some old stuff, I was fortunate to stumble across my first pair of dumbbells (see image. I cleaned them up before taking this photo). This find brought back some very happy memories of when I was about 13 performing infinite reps of curls, press-ups, sit-ups and chinning off the door frame by my fingertips. My Dad then went on to remind me of a family holiday (I was 14 years old) where he was persuaded to perform a 100 mile round trip everyday to visit the nearest gym so I could keep up my training. Well, I’m pleased to say that, all these years later, I’m just as dedicated ;) .

If you’re a seasoned trainer, you’ll know how much weight training and general fitness has enriched your life. If you’re new to this game, enjoy the journey ahead. Either way, we’ll be on hand with free advice and training ideas to help you get the most from your training.

If you’ve got any old pictures (or stories) that bring back training memories (things like rickety old benches, iron boots, arm blasters etc.), please share them on our Facebook Fan Page wall.

All the best,


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Food Supplements

However a manufacturer wishes to dress up a food supplement - "sports supplements", "bodybuilding supplements", "diet supplements", "health supplements" - and the wonder claims associated with such supplements, you must first consider the fact that it's a supplement - something to add.

Digesting the above (like the pun!), successful supplementation will be to fulfill your nutritional requirements. Genetic differences aside, a very basic nutritional example is anyone involved within sports. This individual's protein and overall calorific requirements will be greater than a sedentary individual of similar weight. Although the sports person may find it easy to increase their carbohydrate and fat intake at meals, they're unlikely to consume an extra couple of chicken breasts a day. Subsequently, although their calorie intake may've increased slightly (through largely carbohydrates and fats), their percentage of protein intake is lower, not greater. Therefore, perhaps the most common form of required supplementation is that of convenient protein shakes. Again though, this is to fulfill your nutritional requirements - to have as well as, not instead of. 

In short, fulfilling your nutritional requirements with, or without, supplementation can make a huge difference to both your training and quality of life. The most important supplements will be your key nutrients, but, in certain circumstances, and depending upon your training and related goals, other supplements can be of benefit.

All the best,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Inventor of Gym Professor Shuffle - coming soon!