Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Gifts #2

Hi all,

Just a quick newsletter to let you know that we currently have the Gym Workouts Maps to Success paperback edition on our Facebook Fan Page present list, so please 'Like' the relevant link for a chance to win.

Here's a recent review of the workout book from :
"THE Best Gym Workout Book! 5 Stars.", November 19, 2011
"A compendium of gym workouts and training advice. This book is without doubt the easiest to read weight training reference guide I have used and has helped me achieve more strength and muscle gains in 3 months than I have experienced over the past 2 years of training. My training partner has experienced the same results. I strongly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in weight training!" Read more.

All the best,

Free Gym Workout App - COMING SOON!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Gifts

Ho ho ho,

I hope you're all getting in the festive spirit! I am.

Between now and Christmas, we'll be offering gifts to you (our readers) on the Facebook Fan Page, so please be sure to 'like' the links for a chance to win. We'll be giving away our bestselling gym workout ebooks, paperbacks and gym clothing as presents. Check the Fan Page now to see the first one:

If you'd like to buy any of the aforementioned items as a present for someone (or yourself LOL), you can find our ebooks at new low prices, money off vouchers below for our paperback books, and our 'Gym Professor' gym clothing looks great in the gym.

All the best,

Gym Workouts Maps to Success - enter H5R7QE3V at checkout for $10 off!
Home Gym Workouts for Women - enter TZ3KMGA2 at checkout for $5 off.
Free Gym Workout App - Coming soon!

Note: Voucher codes available for direct purchase only.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fat Bar Training

Hi all,

In one form or another, fat grip training has always been a staple part of the origins of strength training. Many older readers will probably remember such things as thick grip circus dumbbells, Apollon’s Wheels/ Axle (2 train wheels & axle) etc. Thanks to athletes like Magnús Ver Magnússon, modern day strongman competition has reverted back to more traditional “functional” strongman lifts – farmers walk, barrel throw, Appollon’s Axle, Draft Horse Pull (now with trucks etc.), sack loading race, atlas stone etc., rather than the more static events (powerlifting) of the late 70’s and 80’s.

More recently, and the reason for writing this article, strongman-style training has become increasingly widespread with many gyms and personal trainers offering kettlebell classes, bootcamps, Cross Fit etc. This style of weight training is very far from new! Only a decade ago, the majority of those promoting it now would’ve likely pooh-poohed the idea, favoring the latest biomechanically designed machine of the time. Personally, within reason, I think their introduction in to mainstream gyms is a good thing – a great way to “mix-up” training, which you know I’m a great believer in! One thing that does frustrate me though is the continued advertisement of “functional” training benefits. Yes, I’ve known strongmen athletes, wrestlers, Fireman etc. use fat grip training for its functional benefits for many years, but, the average office worker??? Come on!

With regards grip strength and fat bar training, I grew up in a gym culture being told “If you can’t grip it, it’s too heavy” i.e. improve your grip strength & your poundages will increase – no bypassing lack of grip by using wraps & other weight training aids. Without doubt, fat bar training is a great way to improve grip strength. 

Aside from the clear grip strength requirements when training with fat bars (your forearm flexors will bulge like Popeye’s LOL!), something often overlooked is how a fat bar changes the dynamic of a lift, often requiring movement/s to be performed with greater control and accuracy, therefore, recruiting more general muscular control as appose to sheer brute force from the prime movers. With this in mind, in terms of general strength training/ bodybuilding, when sensibly included within your gym workout routine, fat bar training can be an advantageous approach to help reduce the risk of injury and potentially develop a better physique. 

So, in conclusion, integrating fat bar training with general pulling and curl work (deadlifts, bent-over rows, barbell curls etc.) should greatly improve your grip strength, it’ll certainly also help towards an activity (sport or work) you do of a similar ilk. You may also wish to consider occasional fat bar training for less obvious lifts in order to change the dynamics of an exercise, clean and press is a great example to try (please start light though!). 

Happy training!

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Free Gym Workout App (Gym Professor Shuffle) Coming Soon!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Newsletter Update

Hi all,

Just a quick message with links to November articles that you may have missed. Please see below:

We're still beavering away on the free gym workout app (Gym Professor Shuffle) at the moment, which we hope to have released by early New Year. It'll be well worth the wait! As soon as I've freed up a bit of time (and provided I've managed to do some Christmas shopping, otherwise I'll be for it!), we'll have more free website content being added daily. Also, we'll have some promotions running on our Facebook Fan Page (by way of Christmas presents) and daily newsletter articles throughout January! So, be sure to check your next newsletter from us!

All the best,

FREE Gym Workout App - Coming Soon!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advanced Training Methods

Hi all,

I've handed out some good punishment today in the form of Advanced Training Methods. Uncharacteristically, a few really good trainers were struggling with motivation, so, if you're not quite "feeling it", mix your training up (I'm a great believer in training intuitively!). We've had drop sets, supersets, high reps, giant sets (the lot!). For ideas on mixing up your gym workouts, check out our past article Gym Workout Routine Advanced Training Methods.

Here's a snippet...
As touched upon in my article Gym Workout Upgrade Options, introducing "advanced" training techniques is a favorite of mine to increase workout intensity and ward off lackluster weight training sessions. During their gym workout, you may've heard people in the gym refer to superset's, 21's, tri-sets, giant sets, drop sets, high reps, super-slow reps etc. "Advanced" techniques are commonplace in many advanced athletes training regimes, but can be put to equally good use in yours (on the proviso you're ready for them!). These advanced weight training techniques can be factored in to a gym workout or used intuitively. I say "used intuitively" as many will not deviate from a set workout routine, even when factors (psychological or otherwise) may be preventing them from performing at their more.

Make sure your next session's a good one!

All the best,

Free Gym Workout App coming soon!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Black Friday Deals - Starts Today

Hi all,

Okay, when all of our on-line content is free, it's difficult to offer a better deal than that, therefore, let me remind you of some of our most visited free gym workout content...
Gym Workouts database
Toning Gym Workout Routines (for men)
Toning Gym Workouts (for women)

Further advice and gym workouts are offered in our acclaimed books (these are purchasable!), so, should you wish to order, here's a money off voucher against these...

$10 Voucher Code* - enter H5R7QE3V at Checkout for $10 off Gym Workouts Maps to Success (paperback). Visit: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success

$5 Voucher Code* - enter TZ3KMGA2 at Checkout for $5 off Home Gym Workouts: Gym Ball & Dumbbell Workouts for Women (paperback). Visit: Home Gym Workouts for Women

All the best,

Remember, our free gym workout app will be available for download soon!
*Voucher note: Direct purchase only. Offer ends soon! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Free Gym Workout App Previews

Gym Professor Shuffle App icon
Hi all,

With the inevitable indulgence of the festive season fast approaching, I hope your training's going well!

As promised, please find preview images below of the free gym workout app (Gym Professor Shuffle) that we'll be releasing at the end of this year/ beginning of next (fingers crossed). Similarly to the basis of our bestselling book (Gym Workouts: Maps to Success), the gym workout app will provide proven preset gym workout routines according to your selected goal and ability, along with helpful articles. In addition to the features of our 5 star rated book, the gym workout app allows you to shuffle gym workouts, shuffle gym exercises (providing millions of gym workout combinations), provides exercise demonstrations, favorite workouts, track weights lifted, plus a few clever features like the option to upload your own background image (such as your gym) and being able to socialize your gym workouts on Facebook and Twitter. So, all-in-all, the most comprehensive gym workout guide you will ever want (and it's free!).

Check out the preview images at the foot of the page (note: if you click on the first image, you should be able to scroll through the rest). Please don't take note of the data, as the information was for design purposes only.

All the best,

To support the Gym Professor site and our projects, please be sure to recommend our free online resource to your friends, visit our advertisers, and consider the purchase of our gym clothing and recommended workout books.

Free gym workout app preview images:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gym Professor Gym Clothing

Ladies Baggy Gym Hoody (Black) & Ladies Gym Vest (White)
Hi again,

Why it only seems like yesterday that I sent you a newsletter, oh yes, it was only yesterday :).

Having got the bulk of my work completed for the Gym Professor Shuffle (our free gym workout app), which is now in the hands of the developers, I've had a little time today to catch up on other things. Running about two weeks late, I've just signed off (after trialling!) the 'Gym Professor' logo gym clothing. The clothing is comfortable and looks great. Check out the range here:

As mentioned previously, due to having a global readership (& restricted time), we've put the gym clothing in the hands of a worldwide clothing supplier that came recommended (Zazzle). Here's the Zazzle Promise:

"If you don't love it, we'll take it back. If you are not 100% satisfied, you can return it for a replacement or refund within 30 days of receipt."

I hope you like the goods and hope (even more so) to see you wearing yours soon! Be sure to post your "body of evidence" picture on our Facebook Fan Page!
Become a Fan on Facebook

All the best,

Home of Free Gym Workouts and Free Fitness Workouts

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gym Workout App Exercise Image Previews

Hi all,

I hope your training's going well! I've had two lovely emails this week (thank you!) from happy customers of Gym Workouts Maps to Success finding success and enjoyment with their training - keep up the good work guys!

As per my last newsletter, we've been working tirelessly on the free gym workout app that'll hopefully be available for download at the end of this year/ beginning of next (Apple depending!). I've attached some Exercise and miscellaneous images taken on the day of our Exercise Demonstrations photo shoot. We've cataloged over 1000 images, so you're not going to be short of exercise choices. In fact, with over 130 pre-set gym workouts and 300 individual cataloged exercise choices to shuffle between, you can literally create millions of gym workout combinations (that all adhere to my Gym Workout General Rules of Thumb!). I've trialled the system loads of times - it works great and you're going to love it!

Wide-Grip Pull-Ups (mid-position)
Dip Machine (start position)

You can find more exercise demonstration images on our Facebook Fan Page here:
Become a Fan on Facebook

Next week, I'll post some preview images of the gym workout app (Gym Professor Shuffle) itself.

All the best,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success the latest reviews here: Gym Workout Book Reviews
New publication out now: Home Gym Workouts for Women
Coming soon! Gym Professor Shuffle (Free Gym Workout App)

Lest we Forget
Poppy Appeal. Please Click to Donate.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Newsletter Update

Hi all,

Sorry, I did warn that there may be a delay between my newsletters. The reason, we've been tirelessly working on the Gym Professor Shuffle free gym workout app. The good news is the gym workout app is coming along really nicely - you're going to absolutely love it! Anyway, I've just picked up the Exercise Demonstration photos. As soon as I've had chance to go through them (there's 1080!!) I'll post some on a Newsletter and on our Facebook Fan Page (which now has over 1,000 fans!). The Exercise Demonstration photos will be used in the app first off, but, over time we'll make great use of these on the Gym Professor web site Exercise Demonstration pages and within our forthcoming books - the next one being Exercise Demonstrations: Key Steps and Kinesiology, a companion book to our 5 star rated Gym Workouts: Maps to Success.

Enough rambling from me. Encase you missed any of last months newsletters, here they are:

Oh yeah, on another note, the reference manual Home Gym Workouts for Women is now available in paperback the UK (as well as the US of course). To order in the UK, please click the book image below:

All the best,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts - Maps to Success
 Read the latest reviews here: Workout Book Reviews

Monday, October 24, 2011

Gym Workout Book Reviews

Hi All,

Lately, we've received some great messages of support, success, and appreciation, which is lovely to hear and spurs me on to write further free content for the Gym Professor site, produce more workout books and create interesting things like our free gym workout app (due early New Year). 

I thought I'd take this moment to share some recent Gym Workouts Maps to Success book reviews from Amazon with you ...

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Workout-Great Results!, October 23, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This is a clear and complete guide for all levels of training. I am new to the gym and I found it to be very informative. I love the combined Cardio and Weight circuit since I have limited time at the gym. I have lost 20 pounds and I'm much more toned. My son, who is an athlete and knows his way around a gym, found the guide to benefit him as well. I would certainly recommend this book regardless of level or type of training. Thanks Gym Professor!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Workout Guide!, August 17, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
There is plenty of information in here for anyone at any level of training. The process maps are easy to use and direct you to the most appropriate training plans, whatever your goals maybe.
There are hundreds of workouts in the book, providing plenty of variation,they are easy to navigate and simple to understand.

If you are looking for some inspiration to create a training plan, then look no further. Great book!

5.0 out of 5 stars Missy, June 27, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Enjoying the toning workouts and lovin' my new figure. 5 star book!

This book is so easy to follow and written for all different levels, this is a great buy.

5.0 out of 5 stars Gym Workouts maps to success, June 26, 2011
This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
A well written book, but most importantly, the plans are superb providing a lifetime of training workouts whatever your goal. Very Happy Customer!

5.0 out of 5 stars Super Workout Book!, June 14, 2011

This review is from: Gym Workouts - Maps to Success (Volume 1) (Paperback)
The featured articles are informative and brief, which helped to answer all the general questions I had quickly. Working in an office, I am all too familiar with process maps. Process maps are used to great effect here, as you simply choose which path to follow for your goals and pick your workouts from those that correspond. Most importantly, I have enjoyed the workouts provided, my strength has increased, and friends have commented on my gains. This is by far the best weight training book I have ever purchased and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in training!

Thank you all for your continued support!

If you have purchased our workout book (either eBook or Paperback) and wish to add your review (if you haven't already), please contact me.

Thanks again,


Free Gym Workout App coming soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gym Workout Rules-of-Thumb

Hi all,

Regarding different gym workout routines and workout methods, I've just been asked in the gym whether there are gym workout routine factors that should be considered. Check out this article:

Healthy regards,

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts - Maps to Success
Home of Free Fitness Workouts
Home of Free Gym Workouts

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gym Workout Shuffle App

Gym Workout App
Hi all, 

We’re in the process of creating an awesome Gym Workout App that’ll present you with workouts for your chosen endeavor and ability, plus shuffle options (for both gym exercises & gym workout). It’ll be easy-to-follow and quick to use, allowing 1000's of gym workout options and hundreds of exercise diagrams. I believe you’ll find this app fun and of great help! Although I’m paying for the set-up, I need to try and generate some revenue return (so I can offer more cool stuff in the future!) and want to run past you guys what you feel is best...
  1. A free “lite” version with an advert. Nominal fee for full version (say $1.99).
  2. A free “lite” version (no adverts). Nominal fee for full version.
  3. A free trial “lite” version (no adverts). Nominal fee for full version.
  4. Free full version with adverts. Option to pay a nominal fee for no adverts.

Please reply to me by email, or, better-still if you're a Fan on Facebook, please add your opinion to our poll. Visit: Gym Professor Fan Page

Thank you so much for your feedback - it's APPreciated (that's a terrible pun)!

All the best,

Home of Free Fitness Workouts
Home of Free Gym Workouts