Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating, Olympic Stories

Hi folks,

The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating.
For starters (rather than desserts), we’ll elaborate on the adage “The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating”.  Well, I’ve been stating for a while that the gym workouts featured on our website, within our books, and on our free-to-download app are all born from gym routines that have helped people achieve success to achieve a certain physique or goal within a chosen sport. The GP Shuffle workout app goes a little further by throwing up the “shuffle” option to change either a workout or exercise to a suitable alternative, something I’ve naturally done myself or with clients for many years in order to increase variety or just where the gym may be busy. The proof that the app works comes from the many thankful emails I've received thus far from people losing lost fat, becoming more toned, increasing muscle mass etc. all thanks to the GP Shuffle workout app, which is truly excellent.

Some readers may have also followed drug-free bodybuilder Matt (our Exercise Demonstrator) on Facebook. Matt used GP Shuffle gym workouts in the lead up to his most recent competition, where he became the three-time Natural Physique Association South West Middleweight Champion. Below are some images of Matt that show what can be achieved naturally (free from drugs) following workouts provided by GP Shuffle. 

Matt said “I used the app in preparation for my competition to showcase what an effective tool it can be. I won! Enough said. :-)

To download the app, please visit:
If you do not have a compatible device, look no further for workouts than our acclaimed book Gym Workouts: Maps to Success or our free online resource . The website is being revamped at present and will feature many more gym workouts soon, so check back regularly.

Olympic Stories.
For modern-day Olympic stories, stay connected to the latest happenings by following your favorite Olympic athletes – Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapova, Serena Williams, Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins, & more - on Facebook or Twitter. Visit:

To explore some of the best stories of the past, check out:

All the best,

The web’s free online fitness resource -
The workout app that works –
Acclaimed bestseller – Gym Workouts: Maps to Success

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Exercise of the Month - Dumbbell Deadlifts

Hi folks,

This newsletter is an edited article I wrote on behalf of a local magazine...

Having been asked to write advising the best exercises to perform – an ‘Exercise of the Month’ as it were - there’s no better place to start than one of his favored exercises (& mine), the all encompassing Dumbbell Deadlift. Overlooked unfairly as being “advanced” by leisure trainers and often performed incorrectly by weight trainers, I’ll set out to explain why (when performed correctly) it’s an exercise of benefit to male and female trainers of all ages whom do not have any prior contraindications, providing key steps and tips to getting it right.

This Neolithic lift is a function we perform multiple times on a daily basis and often get it wrong, resulting in back injury & fatigue. Practicing this style of lift in an exercise setting with competent tuition is a fantastic way to learn control, perfect technique and create a good-lifting habit to continue in our day-to-day activity, greatly reducing chances of injury through poor lifting. Moreover, by increasing strength of the required primary muscles – lower back, thighs, buttocks – and stabilizing muscles – abs, shoulders – will further prevent the risk of injury, even if picking something up incorrectly (which, if you perfect the skill through practice, you shouldn’t do anyway!).

I have preferred to show the Dumbbell Deadlift, rather than the more familiar Barbell Deadlift, as this exercise is generally easier to teach and perfect (Notably, performing the lift as one movement and keeping your back straight throughout the lift).

 Here are the key steps to follow:

1)    Select a dumbbell weight that allows you to perform your target workload in a safe & controlled manner. Face a mirror – you should be able to see yourself throughout the lift.
2)    Stand with your heels hip-width apart (toes pointed forward or slightly turned out, whichever is more comfortable).
3)    Assume the start-position with an orthodox-grip of the dumbbells in line with your shoulders and get a “feel” for the weight.
4)    Bend your elbows ever-so-slightly (your arms should be stiff, not straight) and take the strain onto your arms.
5)    Inhale, and then exhale as you lift the dumbbells and drive upwards in one motion until you are upright (chest out & shoulders back, not arched!).
6)    Lower the dumbbells in the same sensible fashion with controlled manner. Do not crash the weight – your desired workload should allow you to perform multiple repetitions without the weight touching the floor. Your final repetition should be as controlled as your first!

Some important do's and don'ts : Performing multiple repetitions, do not wear a support belt for this exercise. It is an exercise to strengthen the muscles outlined, which includes your core (abs & lower back). Whilst wearing a support may help you to increase weight placed upon the dumbbells, you are decreasing the requirement of the supportive structure you are attempting to strengthen by performing such a lift.

Please do not confuse, keeping your back straight with keeping your back vertical. A straight back simply means not arched. By performing Dumbbell Deadlifts as one smooth movement, keeping your head up and your eyes forward, you should keep a straight back.

Happy training!
