Saturday, February 27, 2010
Key Nutrients - Carbohydrates
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Flat Bench Press
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino Acids are linked in various sequences and chains (polypeptides), thus accounting for the vast variety of different proteins manufactured by the body. Likewise, our dietary protein differs, and it's subsequent utilisation by the body.
Scientists have attempted to measure utilisation rates of different sources of dietary protein, creating various forms of measure, such as Protein Efficieny Ratio (PER) and Biological Value (BV), which you may've come across on the back of your protein supplements tub.Other tags, relating to Amino Acids, which you may be familiar with (from reading the back of protein supplements), are the prefix "L" and the noting "BCAA".
An "L" prefix denotes a naturally occurring amino acid. The opposite "D" (which you're probably not so familiar with) is synthetic, and is not normally useful to the body.
"BCAA" is short for Branch Chain Amino Acids. Bonded in a chain configuartion, the BCAA's - Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine - collectively form the largest Amino section of human protein (about 33% of MUSCLE protein!).
Naturally occurring Amino Acids are further categorised as "essential", which means that they cannot be made by the body (&, subsequently, have to be included in the diet), and "non-essential", which can be made by the body (NB: Although, still benefical within diet).
A list has been made below, click on each link to find out more info. on each individual Amino Acid. However, it must be remembered that many work hand-in-hand, and adequate amounts of protein, and good sources of protein (remember, this is what Amino Acids collectively form), are of greater importance and benefit than simply supplementing high dosages of certain Amino's.
Essential Amino Acids:
L-Isoleucine (BCAA)
L-Leucine (BCAA)
L-Valine (BCAA)
Non-Essential Amino Acids:
L-Aspartic Acid
L-Glutamic Acid
*These are regarded as "semi-essential". The reason, they can be made by the adult body, but babies and young children may not be able to manufacture enough for their needs.
**Taurine does not have an "L" prefix as it only exists in one form. Furthermore, Taurine's unusual as it's not incorporated into proteins in the body (likewise, L-Ornithine).
Tell me more about:
Amino Acids
Dietary Protein
Nitrogen Balance
Protein Requirements
Protein Source Comparisons
Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)
Biological Value (BV)
Net Protein Utilisation (NPU)
Protein Fractions
Protein Supplementation
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Gym P.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Weight Training General Knowledge
Realising that many of you will be looking for guidance, the Gym Professor website includes:
Numerous exercise diagrams - providing basic instruction and detailing muscles exercised, what the exercise is for & who the exercise is for.
Weight training & gym routines - relating to your physique goals & sports.
Periodization strategies - for general training and sports.
Fitness assessments - performing fitness tests & measuring hopefully positive trends.
& Much more besides...
For successful weight training, I would suggest you have a basic understanding of nutrition and anatomy (in particular kinesiology). Information on both can be found on the Gym Professor website.
Incredibly helpful & thorough eBooks will be released over time, with in-depth information and even more guidance on the above subject matters. So, if you find the Gym Professor website useful, please consider purchasing one of our great eBooks. In the meantime, please be sure to subscribe to this blog, our newsletter and visit our advertisers.
Gym P.