Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Gifts #2

Hi all,

Just a quick newsletter to let you know that we currently have the Gym Workouts Maps to Success paperback edition on our Facebook Fan Page present list, so please 'Like' the relevant link for a chance to win.

Here's a recent review of the workout book from :
"THE Best Gym Workout Book! 5 Stars.", November 19, 2011
"A compendium of gym workouts and training advice. This book is without doubt the easiest to read weight training reference guide I have used and has helped me achieve more strength and muscle gains in 3 months than I have experienced over the past 2 years of training. My training partner has experienced the same results. I strongly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in weight training!" Read more.

All the best,

Free Gym Workout App - COMING SOON!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Gifts

Ho ho ho,

I hope you're all getting in the festive spirit! I am.

Between now and Christmas, we'll be offering gifts to you (our readers) on the Facebook Fan Page, so please be sure to 'like' the links for a chance to win. We'll be giving away our bestselling gym workout ebooks, paperbacks and gym clothing as presents. Check the Fan Page now to see the first one:

If you'd like to buy any of the aforementioned items as a present for someone (or yourself LOL), you can find our ebooks at new low prices, money off vouchers below for our paperback books, and our 'Gym Professor' gym clothing looks great in the gym.

All the best,

Gym Workouts Maps to Success - enter H5R7QE3V at checkout for $10 off!
Home Gym Workouts for Women - enter TZ3KMGA2 at checkout for $5 off.
Free Gym Workout App - Coming soon!

Note: Voucher codes available for direct purchase only.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fat Bar Training

Hi all,

In one form or another, fat grip training has always been a staple part of the origins of strength training. Many older readers will probably remember such things as thick grip circus dumbbells, Apollon’s Wheels/ Axle (2 train wheels & axle) etc. Thanks to athletes like Magnús Ver Magnússon, modern day strongman competition has reverted back to more traditional “functional” strongman lifts – farmers walk, barrel throw, Appollon’s Axle, Draft Horse Pull (now with trucks etc.), sack loading race, atlas stone etc., rather than the more static events (powerlifting) of the late 70’s and 80’s.

More recently, and the reason for writing this article, strongman-style training has become increasingly widespread with many gyms and personal trainers offering kettlebell classes, bootcamps, Cross Fit etc. This style of weight training is very far from new! Only a decade ago, the majority of those promoting it now would’ve likely pooh-poohed the idea, favoring the latest biomechanically designed machine of the time. Personally, within reason, I think their introduction in to mainstream gyms is a good thing – a great way to “mix-up” training, which you know I’m a great believer in! One thing that does frustrate me though is the continued advertisement of “functional” training benefits. Yes, I’ve known strongmen athletes, wrestlers, Fireman etc. use fat grip training for its functional benefits for many years, but, the average office worker??? Come on!

With regards grip strength and fat bar training, I grew up in a gym culture being told “If you can’t grip it, it’s too heavy” i.e. improve your grip strength & your poundages will increase – no bypassing lack of grip by using wraps & other weight training aids. Without doubt, fat bar training is a great way to improve grip strength. 

Aside from the clear grip strength requirements when training with fat bars (your forearm flexors will bulge like Popeye’s LOL!), something often overlooked is how a fat bar changes the dynamic of a lift, often requiring movement/s to be performed with greater control and accuracy, therefore, recruiting more general muscular control as appose to sheer brute force from the prime movers. With this in mind, in terms of general strength training/ bodybuilding, when sensibly included within your gym workout routine, fat bar training can be an advantageous approach to help reduce the risk of injury and potentially develop a better physique. 

So, in conclusion, integrating fat bar training with general pulling and curl work (deadlifts, bent-over rows, barbell curls etc.) should greatly improve your grip strength, it’ll certainly also help towards an activity (sport or work) you do of a similar ilk. You may also wish to consider occasional fat bar training for less obvious lifts in order to change the dynamics of an exercise, clean and press is a great example to try (please start light though!). 

Happy training!

Author of the bestseller Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Free Gym Workout App (Gym Professor Shuffle) Coming Soon!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Newsletter Update

Hi all,

Just a quick message with links to November articles that you may have missed. Please see below:

We're still beavering away on the free gym workout app (Gym Professor Shuffle) at the moment, which we hope to have released by early New Year. It'll be well worth the wait! As soon as I've freed up a bit of time (and provided I've managed to do some Christmas shopping, otherwise I'll be for it!), we'll have more free website content being added daily. Also, we'll have some promotions running on our Facebook Fan Page (by way of Christmas presents) and daily newsletter articles throughout January! So, be sure to check your next newsletter from us!

All the best,

FREE Gym Workout App - Coming Soon!