Gym Workouts Globe Gripz

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Diets and Dieting

For many of you diet will mean losing weight, toning up and burning fat, rather than just your maintenance daily eating habits. There are many different diets out there - Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, Zone Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Ketogenic Diet etc. - all of which have the simple aim of you consuming less calories (food energy), therefore, causing a negative energy balance & you losing weight.

Different diets present different problems, some more so than others. The fundamental flaw of most people's diet plans (or rather, lack of plan) is both EFFICIENCY and SUSTAINABILITY. For example, if you did not alter your activity levels, but cut out a couple of meals a day (say 600 calories less a day), initially you'll lose weight through causing a negative energy balance, but, before long, this will become your maintenance calories (level energy balance), as your metabolism (body's processes) will slow. The reason, not having to work as hard to break down food as regularly and correcting its self to your new calorie intake - your body's very clever! Subsequently, if you were to resume what you considered normal eating, you're likely to put on more weight than you started with. Not quite what you wanted to read - there being no quick fix, but, if thought out properly, there's no reason you cannot achieve realistic diet & physique goals.

Visit the Gym Professor web site to find out more about the following subjects:

How do I make my body more EFFICIENT?
How do I SUSTAIN weight loss throughout my diet?
Popular Diets
Fat Burners & Metabolism Boosters

All the best,

Gym P. 

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