Hi all,
Has your gym been busy? Yep, mine too. It happens every year, with large corporate gyms over-selling memberships to generate the bulk of their year’s revenue. Even smaller independent “customer first” gyms can struggle to accommodate us all. Well, if you’re one of those new-starters, stick at it. Or, if you know people that have just started, encourage them to stick at it. There’s really no need for the gym stalwarts to be disgruntled that people are in your way, they’re generally not. Treat it as good excuse to mix your training up a bit – a change could be what your body needs! Either circumstance, we’ll be offering some words of experience to help with all your physique and health endeavors. Please be sure to share this information with your fellow trainers.
First off, gym noobs (newbies).
Please, please, please take baby-steps. Realistically, the first 2 to 3 weeks of training should be boring (yep, boring!). If you’re weight training, you should be lifting token weights and ensuring good form throughout all movements. Not lifting the maximum you can for hours and then not being able to move the next day!! If you’re performing cardio, you should be performing it at an extremely low intensity. Not high-paced intervals until you throw up!! Right, telling-off over. After the first couple of weeks of starting to learn the trade at the gym, the fun starts. You now know a bit more about your body and what it’s capable of and can push it that little bit further each time. If you’re training sensibly, there’s no way you cannot make progress. Seeing your ability and physique change near on week-on-week, what’s not to enjoy and want you to go back to the gym for more? Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nothing.
Gym Stalwarts.
Generally, I love you guys. I am one of you. But (& it’s a BIG but), please change your training methods every once in a while. If you do the same thing you have always done, you’ll always get the same results (at best). Maintenance/ active rest are fine on occasion, but you can train wiser (not necessarily harder) and make good progress. As mentioned at the opening of this newsletter, treat the influx of new gym members as a good excuse to alter your training habits, if only for a relatively short period of time.
For both camps (new to the gym, or never been away), we have free solutions and advice all over our website (www.gymprofessor.com). Please be sure to use them and share them. Workout-wise, we have free cardio workouts and gym workouts at the respective links below. We have workouts for all abilities and endeavors.
Better-still, if you have an iPhone (or iPod Touch or iPad), you can download our free Personal Training app (GP Shuffle). GP Shuffle contains ability-dependent and goal-specific workouts for everyone, accompanied by step-by-step exercise demonstration. It’s of even greater use during busy gym periods. Because, if a piece of gym equipment is busy, simply shuffle to an alternate exercise. You can shuffle workouts too. GP Shuffle is without-doubt the most comprehensive workout tool on the planet. For more details, or to download, visit: Personal Trainer and then some.
I hope this information helps you. If you have found it useful, please support our free resource by sharing and promoting it. You can now find us on Facebook and Twitter too.
Enjoy the game & best regards,
Author of Gym Workouts Maps to Success
Inventor of GP Shuffle workout app